Not that any of you play MW2 any more, but I have some tactical maps for MW2, that some guys I play with made.
Now, they were made with HC-TDM in mind, and function under the Game Battles assumption that NO TUBES will be used.
However, they have proven useful to me, so I thought I'd share them with you guys, but I ask that they stay here, and that you don't distribute them outside of MAD.
The basic idea of these maps is that a 6 man team will work TOGETHER, so secure a spawn point. However it only works if ERVERY person holds his position.
The one "drawback" to this style of game play is that some players get bored looking at the same doorway or window, and decide to run around.
Which of course is when the enemy decides to come in, and this usually results in the WHOLE team getting over run, and the spawns being flipped.
This game-play style is NOT for glory hogs, or Run & Gunners (although there is some degree of leeway on a few maps), and although you may look at it and think it's simplistic,
these tactics have been PROVEN to work IF and ONLY IF, everyone cooperates and operates towards the TEAM goal of a Victory!
I'm currently uploading the pics, and will post them individually with a brief description of each, so that I don't have to field a bunch of questions afterward.